Supporting, Growing & Attracting Businesses for a Prosperous Community

City of Centre
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City Hall - Monday - Friday 8am-4pm
About Us
Settled in early 1840's, Centre became the county seat in 1844 with the U.S. Postal Service insisting on the use of the word ''Center'' as the mailing address. Concerned citizens of the county continued to spell ''Centre'' and petitioned the Post Office Department to formally adopt that spelling honoring, as tradition says, the family from England who originally settled Centre.
John Jonathan Pratt, who invented what is believed to be the first typewriter, resided in Centre until the eruption of the Civil War preventing financing for his machine known as the pterotype. He moved to England where he secured the patent. Pratt died in 1905 and is buried at Pratt Cemetery in Centre.
Also located in Centre is the grave of Chief Pathkiller, last local Chief of the Cherokee Indians. He is buried in the Garrett Cemetery on the bank of the Coosa River.